Donate to OpenSpectrum

Open Spectrum is run on an entirely voluntary basis with no administration costs whatsoever.  Every euro donated to Open Spectrum will help a child with ASD participate in an activity which otherwise might be beyond reach.


If you are in position to donate any amount, no matter how small, please do so via this bank account:

IBAN: IE87 AIBK 9311 8739 3710 43


Charitable Donation Scheme

As a registered charity, donations to Open Spectrum over €250 qualify for tax relief.

Further details are available via – Charitable Donation Scheme for both individuals and companies.

As an INDIVIDUAL donor, you can help Open Spectrum by completing the appropriate CHY4 declaration and submitting it along with your donation to Open Spectrum.


Get your company involved

Does your company want to direct a portion of their Corporate Social Responsibility programme to a charity which best represents their employees?

Nominate Open Spectrum as charity of the year

Many organisations have a charity committee or allow their staff to nominate charities they would like to partner with. Open Spectrum would be delighted to work Corporate charity partners to ensure that staff can get involved with ongoing developments such as volunteering, technology, fundraising and events.

Contact Open Specturm via to see how we can partner to provide more activities for children and teens on the autistic spectrum.