Open Spectrum began in September 2013 when two mothers of teens with ASD, Helen Norris and Victoria White, met in Awesome Walls in Swords. Determined to offer an extra-curricular range of activities which their kids could access, something their neuro-typical kids took for granted, they met for coffee and then held a public meeting to assess interest.
Interest there was! Our first activity was a special trampolining session in Jumpzone, Sandyford, always a great supporter of our work. Since then we have slowly built up a team and now offer a big range of activities, from karate to kayaking, from youth club to athletics, from tennis to dance, from rock climbing to orienteering and golf…
We acknowledge the support of Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown Co. Council, the Traditional Meat Company, The Cycle Hub, Dun Laoghaire and many other generous donors.
On September 2nd, 2023, we celebrated our 10th birthday with old friends and new and welcomed the Minister for Special Education, Josepha Madigan, Minister of State, Ossian Smyth and TDs Cormac Devlin and Richard Boyd Barrett as well as Councilor Martha Fanning. Thanks to all of you and most of all thanks to our fabulous young people!